


Hand and Ergotherapy Laborn GbR
Owner: Tina Laborn, Andrea Laborn
Bahnhofstrasse 1 - 84061 Ergoldsbach
Professional regulation: Act on the profession of occupational therapist (Ergotherapeutengesetz - ErgThG) and medicinal product guidelines of the Social Security Code.

Supervisory authority: Admissions office of the health insurance companies VdAK West and primary health insurance funds in Bavaria
Identification number according to §139b of the tax code: 74891521304

Responsible for content: Tina Laborn

Copyright: Unless otherwise indicated, the copyright for the content of this website lies with Ergotherapie Laborn; We would like to thank Gloreha and especially Tyromotion for the cooperation with the illustrations.

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

The information provided on the LAHSIT/LABORN websites is continuously updated and supplemented with the utmost care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of the data given, since a change that has occurred in the meantime cannot be completely ruled out. This also applies to all third-party websites that are referred to by hyperlinks. LAHSIT/LABORN is not responsible for information contained there (external content) to which hyperlinks merely provide access for use, § 5 Para. 3 TDG.

LAHSIT/LABORN therefore excludes any liability in the above context.

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